
Azure Blob Storage Upload API's

This document provides an overview of the different upload API's to help you compare the differences between them.

How to Upload Files to Azure Blob Storage

This blog will share and explore some of these Azure migration tools and the simple steps on how to easily migrate files to Azure Blob storage.

使用儲存體總管來管理Azure Blob 儲存體資源

Upload files menu. 在[上傳檔案] 對話方塊中,選擇[檔案] 文字方塊右側的省略符號(…) 按鈕,以選取您想要上傳的檔案。 Upload files options. 指定 ...

使用.NET 上傳Blob - Azure Storage

本文說明如何使用適用於.NET 的Azure 儲存體用戶端程式庫來上傳Blob。 您可以從檔案路徑、資料流、二進位物件或文字字串將資料上傳至區塊Blob。

使用Python 上傳Blob - Azure Storage

本文說明如何使用適用於Python 的Azure 儲存體用戶端程式庫來上傳Blob。 您可以從檔案路徑、資料流、二進位物件或文字字串將資料上傳至區塊Blob。

Upload a blob with .NET - Azure Storage

This article shows how to upload a blob using the Azure Storage client library for .NET. You can upload data to a block blob from a file ... Upload a blob with Go · Upload a block blob with Python · JavaScript · Java

Quickstart: Upload, download, and list blobs

In this quickstart, you learn how to use the Azure portal to create a container in Azure Storage, and to upload and download block blobs in that container.

快速入門:使用Azure 入口網站上傳、下載及列出Blob

上傳區塊Blob · 在Azure 入口網站中,瀏覽至您在上一節中建立的容器。 · 選取容器以顯示它所包含的Blob 清單。 · 選取[上傳] 按鈕以開啟[上傳] 刀鋒視窗,然後 ...

Creating an Azure Blob Storage Account, Uploading Files ...

Step 1: Sign in to the Azure Portal · Step 2: Create a Storage Account · Step 3: Create a Blob Container · Step 4: Upload Files to the Blob ...

[教學] Azure Blob Storage 使用指南– 創建篇

基本設定 · 訂用帳戶:如果是公司的帳號,可能會有多個訂用帳戶用於不同場景,依照需求選擇 · 資源群組:設定該資源設置屬於群組,可以依照不同專案或者是不同 ...


ThisdocumentprovidesanoverviewofthedifferentuploadAPI'stohelpyoucomparethedifferencesbetweenthem.,ThisblogwillshareandexploresomeoftheseAzuremigrationtoolsandthesimplestepsonhowtoeasilymigratefilestoAzureBlobstorage.,Uploadfilesmenu.在[上傳檔案]對話方塊中,選擇[檔案]文字方塊右側的省略符號(…)按鈕,以選取您想要上傳的檔案。Uploadfilesoptions.指定 ...,本文說明如何使用適用於.NET的Azure儲存體用戶端...